

Server ,Computer, Laptops, Printer ,Passbook Printer, High Speed Printer ,Line Printer (Services & Sales ), Servers- Pedestal/Rack/Chassis/Blade, Storage- NAS/SAN; Tape Library; Backup SW

Our service range includes a wide range of Hardware Solution, Line Matrix Printer, Passbook Printer, High Speed Printer, Dot Matrix Printer and Network Solution.

We provide PC, laptop and server hardware repair, maintenance and IT support for ALL major brands of IT hardware. We offer a wide variety of plans and IT service options custom tailored to your needs. Printer and plotter repair services delivered fast. We guarantee that we can service your business plotters, printers and scanners more effectively than the Geek Squad, Firedog or any other retail solution.

Our Offerings ( LoB-wise)
S.No Solution Offerings OEM Alignment
1. Server ,Computer, Laptops, Printer ,Passbook Printer, High Speed Printer ,Line Printer (Services & Sales ) Acer/Dell/HP
2. Servers- Pedestal/Rack/Chassis/Blade Acer/Dell/HP
3. Storage- NAS/SAN; Tape Library; Backup SW Dell/NetApp
Prices For All Lesson Type
Coures Type Class time Course Duration Price
Applied Psychology 45 minutes 3 years $810
Business Administration (MBA) 45 minutes 2 years $940
Computer Science (BSc) 1 Hours 4 years $1180
Development Studies (MDS) 1 Hours 5 years $1400
Engineering Technology (BSc) 30 minutes 3 years $600